Thursday, August 30, 2007
hey hey!
I'm blogging live from my very own class room in BB!
The weather is just right from snuggling up into your bed with a nice fleece blanket.
But sadly, I'm in school awaiting stupid students from Pioneer Secondary School.
Yes I'm in bb just because some bunch of secondary school students are coming. sigh.
gotta go.
2:15 PM
Monday, August 27, 2007
Oh wait, did I blog about sunday?
I guess I didn't.
Okay here goes nothing.
Sunday was just a typical sunday (not those sleep in kid of sunday). Went for service in the morning. Can't fellowship with cg coz I have to follow sk for his own project practice.
But the practice venue wasn't the usual
U.S Studios . It's at the
The Sound Portal. It has a room where you can chill and take a smoke (and no, I do NOT smoke.) and yes the glorious air-con is freezing. It's so nice.
His group members are, Johnny, Luke, SK, Janet and a sri lankan which I don't know his name. Chilled out with muhammad the Studio Manager while they jammed. And guess what? They are a great bunch of people to hang out with. They are like so funny teasing each other. lol.
Anyways, here are some photos that I have picked from the mounts of photos that I have lying around. Enjoy (:
Johnny's collection of guitars. (I won't tell what brand are those.)
That's Luke on the drums. (okay, I know it isn't that clear)
Oh did I tell you about a turtle whose name is Mr.T?
He belongs to a guy by the name of Gunaseelan.
We kind of love it at first sight.
He's a mascot for our cg (:
So anyways, here are the photos of him (:
It's Mr. T! XD
Awww....Poor Mr.T.
Edwin and Mr.T.
11:52 PM
Just came back from db training today.
Sigh, i really, really miss dama, joy and the rest of the people.
It didn't really feel that I'm having db training, coz the motivation isn't there and the feel as a team wasn't there too.
I really miss the times when we train together. Pray that we'll back, training with joy, dama and the rest by wednesday or next week (:
Coz I know they're really fun to be together (:
5:58 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
No db training yesterday.
We kena suspended due of some bia-tch and bastard's fault.
If you both didn't do the silly things that you both did, we wouldn't be suspended.
Life feels empty without db.
Let's keep the db spirit in! ((:
Anyways, had the meeting with joy and dama.
We agreed that the bia-tch is off the team. and we'll be having our training in bb and ct until further notice.
see (: being optimistic is the best during this kind of situation. XD
anyways, off to do my report (:
chao (:
3:01 PM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
sigh, I'm now dragonboatless.
Yes, the girls team is out of action until further notice.
But nevertheless, we still have the cw dbgirls' fire in us (:
Plus we'll have a meeting on thurs.
anyways, gotta rush my report ((:
12:06 AM
Thursday, August 16, 2007
oh wow.
db really rock man.
It's like I've finally found a cca that suits me best.
Though it may be tough, but we collage west girls' dragonboat team rocks (:
I'm in love with db!
and the best part is that I found two ex-jurongvillians ((:
anyways, gotta go ((:
3:26 PM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
National day's long weekend is here.
I'm actually supposed to go to school yesterday like students students studying in five polys of Singapore.
But I decided that my class will eventually skip that one hour of class and sleep in.
anyways, I'll post up photos of my lovely prezzies from my birthday soon (:
ttfn ((:
1:51 PM
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
it's actually my birthday.
1:19 AM
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
okay, this is so reeeaaalllyyy getting into my nerves.
With lecturers telling and pushing us to do all of our project at once, I think my brain's gonna explode.
At least I've already done something for hsa.
Plus there's so much project to do, and the kukunathanhead I always am, forgotten to edit the music that is needed for aerobic class tomorrow.
Adding on, I haven't even started on my attachments for two of my modules. The two ccas I have, isn't gonna help in any ways, though it really keeps the stress level to the lowest.
okay, I just had a shock of my life.
Sk and Schu had suprised me at my doorstep and guess what my honey gave me?!
It's an Adidas Sports Bag! and also a water bottle!
Plus plus, it's the first time I'd have a birthday suprise since gazillion years ago.
Me is a happy girl (:
Anyways, aerobics early in the morning.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
okay, okay, that's starting to get into my ears and pushing the Synthetic and Dystolic thingy from my ear.
Earworm much?
11:49 PM
Friday, August 3, 2007
Fine day with mixed emotions.
firstly, Our dragon boat team, made up of mostly ft students have been accepted by cwdbteam. Because, initially, they(the team) rejected our recruited team coz they've been training halfway through and if we'd join them, we'll either disrupt them or they'd train all over again with us.
and secondly, j and I have been in touch lately. and the feeling came back all of a sudden. I was talking to him and all. but that feel won't go away. yes we miss each other. but there's no way we'll get together. and I've decided, he'll be my best bro. that I can share
all problems.
that's all for now.
I need to go Collage East again tomorrow for Open House.
12:07 AM