Tuesday, November 27, 2007
It's so boring here in school.
Yes people, I'm in school now.
Blame my poor memory.
This week's study week thus students need not attend classes unless they have supplementry classes/tuition/pratical exams.
And I stupidly came to school and found out that this week is study week.
But at least I'm done with my FOA pratical test.
Next week's Exam week.
Need not come school except when you have exams.
Sigh. I'll be bored to death.
On the other hand, I guess I can entertain myself with FFXII at home. XD
Okay luh.
Gotta go off alr.
1:25 PM
Friday, November 23, 2007
Good news and bad news.
I'll go with the bad news first.
And the lucky bugger who picked up my purse/wallet please give it back to me.
The things inside are really important.
Please hand it over to the police/mrt control station officer thankyouverymuch.
Damn suay sia.
Of all days, it must be today to burst my happy bubble.
Cos the thing that made my happy bubble so huge that I can fly is that I passed my medical check up very well and gotten everything a PES(Physical Examination System) A.
I was suprised at the first station which is the hearing test, I've already gotten a PES A.
Everything continued to be PES A all the way.
And no matter which station I go, most of the guys there kept staring when I stood up upon hearing my name being called.
Can't girls choose to be in the army?
Can't girls choose to be in the combat vocations?
You are so damn wrong.
That's why girls like myself and my wifey, Joy, are here to prove that girls can do it too y'know?
I you are really interested to go into the army and not afraid to break a fingernail/roll around in mud/being buff or tanned/toughness, then this is for you!
Go sign up for the Combat vocations available if you are not scared of toughness and the Officer vocations you think you have leadership abilities.
Really, don't waste your time on 8-5 boring cubicle jobs.
C'mon in and sign up!
Yours Truly,
Okay that sounded like an advertorial for SAF.
It wasn't on purpose.....
I'm just encouraging other girls like Joy and I to really do what they're passionate about (:
Anyways, gotta go do some *UniCom stuff.
7:52 PM
I am so excited about tomorrow!
Coz I'm going for a health checkup at cmpb!
Yes, it's for the army.
You guys don't come to me and say it's stupid for girls to get into army while guys wants to get out and stuff like that.
Coz I've made up my mind that I'll be much more happier in army than sitting in front of a computer in a small and confined cubicle from 9am to 5pm every single day till you've retired.
That sucks man.
No life.
Okay. I seriously need to pack for tomorrow.
12:26 AM
Saturday, November 17, 2007

Lets101 - Free Online Dating
11:31 PM
Friday, November 16, 2007
The stress is up for me.
Db trainings, collecting money for db chalet from classmates that haven't paid up, exams, uniform designs for mr neo, dad's worsened slipped disc problem that needed him to go for surgery etcetc.....
No wonder I'm having zit outbreak recently.
Thank god the weekends are here.
That means sleeping in till the early afternoons.
Like hell yeah.
At least I have time to practice for aerobics.
As for the phase tests, it's coming quite okay with alot of encouragement from Farh.
I'm so sorry, the more I think about my dad, the more I don't feel like blogging right now.
I guess the photos I've promised in the previous post gotta wait till I've sorted my emotions out.
Till then, cya.
11:05 PM
To work or not to work?
I feel like working all over again.
Especially when you have a place you wanna work at in mind and have no money in your bank account.
But if I really get the Saf-Ite Sponsorship Bond, I can't possibly work because of some Saf reasons. (But seriously, if they didn't give moolah for the bond thingy and told me to enlist into army, I'd be more than happy to enlist.)
And besides, if I were to work now I will bring me the total income close to $1k per month.
With around $550/mth from Saf, and around $540/mth from the place that I wanna work at total up it'll roughly be, $1,090/mth.
But I won't be getting moolah fom my mum though.
Must spend money really wisely.
Anyways, I've gotta rest up for tomorrow's land training(:
p.s: Next post will most prolly be full of photos(:Ciao
1:29 AM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Sigh of great relief.
Three out of the five initial physical test thing are done.
Two more to go.
Mr Muthiah's test thingy is done too.
Just left four more stations of the station thingy to learn and get over and done with.
And dreaded aerobics tomorrow.
But at least I can look forward to db training at 5pm.
And I think I'll be ending school early tomorrow.
Which gives me like 5 to 6 hour of free time.
Shitty. There's nowhere to go after school.
Oh wait, lunch with wifeys and girlfriend after school.
I'm the worst adultress around man....
Anyways, I've found out about some health stuff in my textbook that I find quite interesting.
Excess Protein in your body is excreted through kidneys thus excessive consumption of Protein over many years (in most cases, extreme bodybuilders) can lead to kidney failure.
Vitamins does not give energy. It is serve as essential links to regulate metabolic reactions that facilitate the release of energy bound within food molecules and to control tissue synthesis.
All of that have been in my textbook for more than half a year now.
Only now then I've read through them.
How slow can I be.
Anyways, gotta go (:
8:27 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Oh whao.
My achy back reminded me to blog about yesterday's training.
It's actually quite slack like what wifey had said in her blog.
But it's my first time doing dead lift.
Did it coz I'm in need to strengthen my back for rowing.
At least I have dear, JiacCong and wifey to guide me, correcting my mistakes and also prevent me from having serious back injuries.
Okay I've gotta run.
Mums yelling me to get to dinner.
p.s: In need of serious back massage.
8:18 PM
How weird.
I woke up and found out that it's two plus going three.
How wonderful to just sleep in like that.
Anyway, I think this week I've got some dead animal curse or something.
Thursday, after returning from dinner at my sis's kaipa's place, we saw a dead bird with it's head/neck stuck in between my bike's front wheel and on friday morning, when I was walking to BoonLay mrt station, I saw a dead cat that was lying on some newspaper near the canal.
Nearly puked my breakfast upon seeing the cat. ugh.
On a brighter note, there's dog at my sis's kaipa's place called Puppy. It's a schnauzzer I guess. lol
and daddy came back on thursday too and gave my keyboard an upgrade.

From this old noisy one,

To this new rubber portable one
But it's very flat and very hard to type. coz it's like we must press on the sensor thingy if not I'llbe typing lke hat.
Anyways. gotta go (; ciao
Oh and not forgetting, Photos of puppy and the dead sparrow.



RIP Sparrow~
(I forgot to take a photo of the dead cat though. lol)
4:25 PM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
River Regatta was okay I guess.
But a big no-no to the humid weather.
Our guys got the fourth placing thanks to Sea Hawk that kept banging their boat if not they'll get top three already.
But they can count themselves fortunate.
Coz Team CE wasn't that fortunate.
They were leading and was really strong, but half way don't know what happened, they shifted and cut into Sea Hawk's lane and had a paddle fight (Good that they did. It's revenge even before the real race with our guys. LOL.).
Overall our guys did really well. They were leading in the first place until S.H banged them(as stated above).
Shitty isn't it?
But really glad that did their best already (:
Anyways, Joy too had rowed for regatta, but it's with team Kiyah Splash.
And now we(the cwdb girls) are deciding to take up Kiyah's offer to just join them for sea training
But then KokAnn and some of the guys were saying that if the whole team should take up Kiyah's offer and
just have sea training with them only with no strings attached or whatsoever.
Coz we won't be having sea training after today till January next year.
I just miss rowing real bad.
Seeing the guys row today makes my hands itch to row real bad.
But nevertheless, no matter what decision our team v./cpts make, let's hope that our number of man power won't slowly become lesser and lesser.
The girls have only around five to six committed members and the guys got like quite a number.
CWDB Girls are really hoping that we'll get to row for next year's June Race be it whether it's mixed or ten men boat, really hope there'll be more committed girls and girls with the db passion to join next year after we've put up a booth for cca fair (:
Okay anyways, after the race, we, as our cwdb self, camwhored like crazy.
and guess what yours truly did?
Flooded farh's cam with my face.
And I did take one really nice photos with Dama's cam (:
Anyways, here's some of the photos.
I'll try and get rest of the photos from Farh and my Wifey!
Enjoy (:

I love them loads. I can die for this team if needed. (:

KayKay Mon and ChooChoo Mon

KokKok Mon.

Farh and I

Choochoo mon Farh and Kaykay mon XD
10:48 PM
Friday, November 2, 2007
The feeling of school's a chore came back to me all over again.
but thanks to KokAnn he really encouraged me alot and also made me go to school no matter what.
Thanks KokAnn ((:
I'm really bored at home.
okay think I should go do cartwheels while I play my guitar.
That's real lame huh?
That proves that I'm real bored.
5:33 PM