Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Office work was interesting, sleepy yet I've learnt something about it.
Learnt something called Marketing research.
It's like how you observe your fellow competitor work and you try to be better than them or see any mistakes they make and you learn from it.
I'm doing camp tomorrow!
But, my partner group will be with Mac. Heard from himself and Jeffrey and Jason that he pressurized JinTing (aka Dragonfly)during last week's camp till she's emo.
I wonder what's in for me mann.
I'll just do to the best that I could.
11:26 PM
Monday, July 28, 2008
Why must this feeling come back to me again?
I thought I'd forgot everything else and start anew.
But sadly, it came back to me even though I'm really focused on attachment and have eyecandy to think of.
Why is it coming back tome again?
Fuck it lahh.
12:23 AM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Rock climbing is my new love!
Don't worry, I'm still in love with cwdb and cheerleading. X)
Okay, so I met Fir at lakeside mrt then we headed down to dover to meet mar and off we go to the sports hall of Singapore Poly.
Fir is our coach for the day.
Taught us the sit in, and the drop knee.
The 'rocks' were super slippery.
He then gave us routes to get the hang of the two techniques he'd taught us.
At around 12.30 we did strength and conditioning consisting of pull-ups, crunches, push-ups, body-straight-arms-supporting thingy for one min and lastly leg raise look alike then at 1pm we took a nap and supposingly to wake up at 1.30pm but overslept till 2pm instead.
Saliha was already waiting for us at mrt station.
Went Vivo for lunch and jalan jalan for a bit then I decided to head home.
Okay tomorrow's my lunar
new yearbirthday and I most prolly can't celebrate it due to work, and worst of all, I have to work on my birthday and national day.
8:02 PM
Saturday, July 26, 2008
YAY! Rock climbing(rc) with Firdaus tomorrow!
Not the ft one lahh. He's my ex-jvs mate.
The other time we did a day event at EVSS and I mentioned that I wanna try rc and he offered me to climb in Singapore Poly. Mariam's going too! If rc is on next sunday, I'll be asking KaiWei, Adhy, Mariam, Sarah, Eyecandy, Nazmi and some others to climb together. Like fir said, the more the merrier!
Fir said that we'll be most prolly going to Vivo to do some shopping with Saliha.
I want to take photos!
With them sure very happening one.
Kay lahh, I go pack for tomorrow. X)
8:22 PM
Friday, July 25, 2008
And then, after coming back, the kids got scolded by their camp commandant and Mac told me to give him a massage.
Waited for the girls to finish their debrief then went to bathe.
Eyecandy was there at the camp!
But too bad, he ain't doing next week's camp. )):
Oh, yesterday's daddy's and mom's 23rd wedding anniversary and dad got mum a Gucci wallet and daddy gave me my early birthday present.
Two pair of shades and my previous Nike watch. Lovely isn't it?
Anyway, today's my first day doing non-camp work in SSC. It was alright lahh.
Can't say that it's fun, can't say it's boring. First thing I did was rearranging things to fit big ass files into a shelf then, was asked to rearrange forms to their dates, then filing some pictures of insects and flowers (? Don't ask me.), then to scan certs and then the thing I did from after lunch till knock off time, whipping ropes.
Okay the ropes are made out of coconut shells( or whatever you call it) and was damn rough and had some kind of splinters jutting out from all over the rope. Most of the time are used to prevent my hands from getting the splinters from poking into my hands but we managed to whip two barrels of it.
Great sense of accomplishment.
I found another Nalgene bottle that is totally orange from the main garbage disposal bin of SSC and IT IS LOVE!
Although it was from the garbage bin. HAHA!
But who would even lose Nalgene bottles?
One Nalgene bottle can cost upto 30 to 40 bucks.
And so far all my five Nalgene bottles (inclusive of the one I found in the garbage bin) were picked up.
I gave one Nalgene bottle to Fei and another bottle to Jason.
See, Imma generous person. (X
Okay, here's some photos from attachment(:

All ten Interns. Clockwise from top: Dragonfly Khai Nisa me Jason Jeffrey Nazmi Adhy Fathul Halim.

Adhy, me and Dragonfly.

Adhy me Dragonfly Nisa

Our expression is meaning for the day of the month.

Zakiah and me

Anti clockwise from top: Adhy me Alene Ismail and Eugene.

A trip to Arab Street with ex-jvs mate Firdaus and Auntie Alene!

Auntie Alene me and Ismail.

Clockwise from top: Ismail me Adhy Alene and Firdaus

Me and Auntie Alene

Those were the photos from Monday.
Okay, there's more, Adhy's sending me.
SHIT! I have to go work on a saturday.
8:55 PM
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Belaying with the new system just suck big time. I have to do thread through figure 8 like 93849734 times yesterday and today.
Most of the time I took waay too much time and the EFI had to help me do. HAHA!
Managed to stayed over last night. I also don't know why I did that also. But it was good. Helped out with night walk cos Saliha and Ismail said they injured their leg. Have to cover for them.
Okay, I shall continue tomorrow. I am tired.
11:38 PM
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Where was I?
Oh yes, I gave in to their whining and all and went to lepak with them at Bugis.
Mac had a meeting near bugis and joined us(me, Alene, Ismail, Adhy and Firdaus.). Alene's bf came before Mac did, and they both left.
Was a really good session of lepaking, like after a half day event, going out and chill with a bunch of funny people you'll get very high on laughter.
Today, abseiling was really good. At least my fear of heights wasn't in me after going to the highest wall for abseiling.
Ismail, XL, Saliha, Mac and Umar were there. After abseiling, we had company meeting and I totally feel like sleeping man. then we went to Lot1 shoping mall for dinner.
Okay, I need to pack for tomorrow and I am tired.
10:08 PM
Monday, July 21, 2008
So staying at uncle Kenny's wasn't so bad after all.
Shen Shen made scramble eggs and gave me a bowl of fruit for breakfast and even sent me to EVSS on her bicycle.
So sweet of her lahh.(:
Anyway, the event I helped out as a trainer was very successful today.
After debrief, the interns except me and Adhy went off and the rest and the both of us went to have lunch with the rest of the trainers who were there. After that, with the intentions of going training, I went to Bugis with Alene, Ismail, Adhy and Firdaus.
I found another shopping kaki already.
Her name is Aunty Alene. Hahahahas!
I got red square crystals to bling up my phone and orange Crumpler sticker for my fake Nelgene waterbottle.
Both are pretty.
Then, when I want to leave for training, Ismail, Alene and Firdaus persuaded me to lepak with them and not go training reasoning that I'll have time for training and don't have many chances to lepak with them.
So I gave in.
Okay, I'll continue tomorrow.
I am tired.
10:55 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Training was good yesterday.
Learnt new strokes and was really amazed by how fast we've learnt.
I've always wondered what are the girls doing inside the public bathroom/shower because they take such a long time to shower. Just yesterday itself, I was rushing for time and after waiting for 15 to 20mins, the people in the two cubicles who went in 15 to 20mins before are still inside.
I was damn dulan lah. Then, I went to another toilet that has only shower cubicle that was occupied, I came out waay before she'd be done. I mean, it's just showering and not bathing lehs somemore there's alot of people waiting.
Inconsiderate people much?
Okay, enough about people bathing. Later I'll be named peeping tom.
Shima woke me up with a phone call saying that I'm doing another camp on wednesday!
I can't wait for my 1star kayaking course and staff meeting on tuesday and Eastview Primary's camp on wednesday.
Yesyes, I'm doing yet another camp even though Azlan told us that the 10 interns will take turns to do camps and all but I wondered why Shima called me and it isn't my turn to do camp. HAHA! Just hope that the camp chief will be Ismail again. He's a really good person to start with. ((:
And yay, you readers (if there's any.) will have photos to look at.
Because I just got back my SE phone from repairs and will take loads of photos during the EVPS camp especially the campfire. ((:
Oh and I'll be staying over at Mac's for the night because I have to report at EVSS by 6 in the morning.
1:19 PM
Friday, July 18, 2008
3 Days 2 Nights with primary four kids was kinda fun yet irritating and tiring.
Made many mistakes yet my kind and understanding camp chief, Ismail (Is-ma-ail) and the rest of the other trainers like Chee Yi, Aji, Claris, WeiMin, Hairil and Farhan Maggi (WeiMin is my eyecandy throughout the camp. (X) they have guided Fathul, Adhy, Nazmi, Halim and I throughout this whole camp with thousands of questions that might have been stupid questions or whichever, and didn't reprimind us when we're doing things wrong and reminded us with a friendly tone instead.
What I feel about this group of trainers is that they don't give us stress and instead of making us feel as if we're their juniors, they made us their friends. That's one thing I'd like about them. By the way, they sabo-ed the interns and Claris after everything is over. LOL!
The kids, they were really sweet yet irritating at the same time. They said that Aji is my boyfriend. HAHA!
As for me, I've set my goals as a trainer waay high up. Because on wednesday, I thought I was a sucky trainer because the teacher following my group had to help me to dicipline them. I was on the verge of crying when I did teambuilding activities but thanks to Ismail who talked to me personally and Aji who was kind enough to help me with taking care of my kids at times.
Overall, this camp trainer experience wasa good one. Not only did I learn things hands on, I've also learnt to work with others and how to handle kids.
7:42 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I'm so dead.
I'm gonna need a nurse uniform for campfire and I'm being told to be a camp group leader just yesterday but thank god, Ismail had done the group buddy thingy and I'm paired up with Aji (Zetti, not to worry, it isn't 'your' Aji. Teehee.).
For campfire, we instructors are supposed to wear a costume with a theme set by my camp chief (aka Ismail for the time being).
But tell me where can I get my nurse's costume when I have to be in camp for belaying for the whole day?
Anyway, I'm so not gonna stay up late tonight because I have to be at Queenstown Primary School for camp and catch the first train at 5.30am in the morning.
Sigh, I'll just jot down manually in my journal then. (:
10:22 PM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Oh god.
I just had a fever of thirty nine degree celcius and am feeling much much better now.
Thanks to my mum that came to my rescue with paracetamol.
I wouldn't have to take mc on the second week of attachment.
Seriously, I'll cry when I'm told not to go work. It's too fun already.
Anyway, yesterday's camp gear shopping was quite an experience. I taught myself how to haggle prices and compare prices to get cheaper stuff.
Got mosquito coil holder, booties, pvc multi-purpose bag, carrabiners, gloves for belaying and some other stuff. (Oh! Sis bought me lavender mosquito coil! Although I have gotten the normal ones, might just use it first. want to know how it smells.)
Coincidentally, I saw JinTing with her bf around while I was getting my booties. Okay not literally, her bf saw me first. She was there to get the multi-purpose bag and persuaded me to get one and paid for me first.
Anyway, I'll be away for one whole week.
I shall go pack my bag now. Byebye.
9:09 PM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Like I've said yesterday, I survived my first camp in Innotrek.
Learnt alot of things from Umar, my mentor and my fellow classmates, Nazmi, JinTing, Khairul, Adhy, Nisa, Fatul, Halim, Jeffrey and Jason.
Although I don't speak much to Umar, I can say that he taught me quite alot. Like the general stations, how to handle the primary school kids, taught me briefing and debriefing.
Nazmi gave me lots of tips for the four general stations.
But within the three days two nights, I've learnt quite alot on my own.
Like how to be initiative or doing things on my own initiative, how to control my anger when I'm really really pek chek/du lan with the kids, how to be open to the comments/feedback given to me, belaying, and all.
I seriously love this company of mine hopefully they will love all their interns back(:
It makes me feel homesick when I arrive at KSSC for a dragonboat activity with my students. Made me realise how much I miss training with CWDB. Just thinking back on how we got the bronze medal with our hard work together bring tears to my eyes.
I just checked my schedule. HAHAHAHAHA!
Oh hell yeah I'll be out of the house next week if you see my what's up column.
That reminds me, I don't know why but I felt weird walking home and sleeping with the air conditioner on.Only three days and two nights there can make me feel so at home in DFAC. HAHAS!
Okay, I should go prepare to go on my outdoor gear shopping at lavender.
P/S: I was told by Fatul that ms.C will be visiting on wednesday! Omg lahh, I miss her teaching soo much.
3:12 PM
My first ever camp in Innotrek was successful.
Although we're attached to our mentors, their feedback to us was great.
Had my hands on belaying and was kinda okay.
I find it quite fun actually, but not really that great if you don't have shades and wearing a stinky helmet.
So, First day in Innotrek on tuesday was alright.
Had training and on wednesday till today was camp with Canossa Convent Primary School
Was really fun yet tiring at the same time.
Because, as a trainer, I need to sleep after the kids went to bed.
Last night, I had outdoor cooking with JinTing, Mac, Yanti and some other colleagues.
Chili Padi is the new alcohol man.
We has dry instant noodles with chili padi inside.
It's I was really kind of high with the spiciness in my mouth.
Anyway, overall the camp was wonderfully successful done by the more experienced trainers and really enjoyed it soo much.
I've learnt alot of new things like how to communicate with kid and all.
Okay, I gotta g now.
I'll update more tomorrow.
Camp gear shopping here I come!
12:56 AM
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Being in Innotrek Pte Ltd was waaayyy much cooler than being in a gym setting.
Even though it's just some sort of basic trainer training for today, I really enjoyed it.
Okay, so my supervisors will be Mimi, Azlan (no, it isn't mr.A.) and one other trainer that I forgot her name.
And I'll be at Dairy Farm Adventure Centre for the next three days.
Yes, I've been told that I'm 'attached' to a camp to observe how everything works while we help out around where we can. OH! I heard that tomorrow we'll be having Dragonboating as water activity.
I will ask the trainer who's coxing to teach me how to cox.
I'm told that we're supposed to row too.
I CAN TRAIN! But for a little bit.
Anyway, I'm supposed to report 7.30am at Cassnova Convant Primary School tomorrow.
I'm supposed to sleep now.
P/S: Don't miss me! X)
11:19 PM
Monday, July 7, 2008
Have you ever felt that your heart have been ripped apart again and again?
Thanks for doing that to me. I thought I could entrust you with my feelings. Yet, you've turned around and stabbed me.
It hurts even though we were never together. But what you did was no way to treat a woman who secretly love you that much.
I now feel how a recovering wound was peeled of it's scab and new skin to open a deeper wound and would leave an ugly scar.
I really don't know how to deal with this. Thinking positive would do me no good so will the excitement of the first day of attachment.
I wonder whether I would breakdown tomorrow because uncontrolled tears just flowed to my cheeks like an overflowed pot.
To you:
If you found your new beau, I wish you all the best from deep down from my heart. Thanks for all the things you've done for me. You're a really great brother to start with.
Goodbye for now.
6:26 PM
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Being lost in Little India in the evening: sucked (big time)
Dinner+company: loved/priceless.
Seriously, NEVER EVER EVER go to Little India on a sunday evening.
Not only there's loads of bangalas, they stink.
I'm not trying to be racist, I'm just stating the truth.Seriously, it's much more than BoonLay at night. It made me even more claustrophobic.
Anyway, bad things aside.
Found the restaurant with 938472397 phone calls made.
There's me, Joy, Farh, Haini, Ignasia, Sandra, Benita, LiShan, JiaCong, Lech, Alvin, Andy, FengRu, John, PK, Shawn, Jackson, Michelle (Lee), Michael, His wife and Raymond (I think that's all that went. Correct me if there's missing names up there.)
So when we reached there, I had a slight headache and I ate my dinner still, lime juice, iced water and beer for drinks.
The worst part was after I've drank my beer. Headache became worse after that.
But still, I camwhored and headed home.
I didn't really have the mood to go actually, but yeah, it's laopeh Michael's birthday, I couldn't miss it.
Nevertheless, I enjoyed the laughters alot.
So yeah.
11:13 PM
Today mark the last day of my three week long holiday.
Looking back, I'm really glad that I've enjoyed another greatest part of my life.
Though things happen and have hurt me, but...I am willing to give it up and make it a part of my past.
It'll be really hard to bury all hopes of something that you wanted so much six feet under and forget it after a long while but you'll need to move on some way or another.
After tomorrow, it will be a new start for me because working with an outdoor adventure company is a new experience for me and also, I'll be putting all my feelings behind me and look forward and never look back again.
I'll force myself to stay positive all the time even if it means to be childishly silly.
I don't know what made you not regard me as one of your family anymore.
I am not acting well in front of you. I
am well.
If you want to compare me to yourself, yeah, I admit, you're doing better than me.
What's the point of comparing and outdoing each other when we jolly well know that we have our own unique differences?
I don't care about the sarcastic remarks from you because I don't want to cause any more trouble than we already have. To tell you the truth, I'm more than willing to bury the hatchet for whatever things that have happened during the years.
I don't know about you.
11:49 AM
Friday, July 4, 2008
I guess it's time for me to put down the past and accept the present and the future.
To you:
You said that I've changed
alot. Yeah, I did, for the better and am trying very hard to accept the present and the future; to focus on what's ahead of me and not behind. I truely and sincerely congratulate you from the bottom of my heart to your new eyecandy. Hope that you'll be happy always.
And to you:
I appreciated what you'd helped me when I'm down. I don't know what's gotten into me or even you. To tell you the truth, you've indirectly hurt me. What did you do? It's for me to know and for you to find out.
Anyway, after a rowing session at Kallang today, Farh, Ignasia, Sandra, KaiSin, me, Benita, Shawn, KokAnn, Lech, Alvin and Andy went to Changi Airport for Popeye's.
And it's amazing how I'd finished everything by myself.
After that we went to the viewing mall.
It was 6+pm when the sun was about to set, we got a glimpse of the huge planes and I had this feeling that I'm missing someone.
That is, of course, my biological dad.
Although I rarely see him and am used to him not around the house, I suddenly felt that I'm missing him badly. Even if I were to email him, he wouldn't reply and will think that I'm emailing him through mom's orders.
The truth is, I miss him badly and I feel like hugging him tight like never before.
But the camwhoring sessions cheered me up.
Looking forward to daddy michael's birthday celebration on sunday (:
And monday will be back to school for IA kit collection.
Three weeks of holidays gone in a blink of an eye.
But at least I know that I've enjoyed every bit of it. (:
A heavy heart; that's what I have now.xoxoxo
9:56 PM
So it wasn't really a dinner date with Jaffar. It was kind of a coffee date instead.
Went gloria jeans for coffee.
I had mocha mint bomb (I think.) and was superb. But if they could put more mint flavor in it they would have made my day.
We sat at gloria jeans talking about House and the changes in there(I wanna make a trip down there! who wants to go with me when I get my pay?), and RP.
Really, RP really rocks.
Jaffar explained to me most of the year one stuff. And all I can say is complicated much?
Then we wanted to play around with his webcam but it was so laggy that we decided not to.
We ended off the day with a trip to Puma and some shop selling sport apparels beside it while talking loads of stuff.
Was kinda good.
Enjoy the last few days of my holidays before my attachments starts.
Tomorrow's training, and I have a date with my aunt along with my sisters and cousins(I think.) on saturday then daddy michael's birthday.
Hokay, gotta go!
1:10 AM
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Sorry about my blogskin.
Was in the midst of changing but then I got carried away by putting the sdbf photos into an album of photobucket.
Okay, so can anyone tell me how to rearrange the photos in photobucket.com?
Anyway, tanning session with kor was alright. It rained right before we went to bathe.
Then, after tanning session, I went to look for db people.
Was actually wanting to watch a movie but some insisted on kbox so we ended up playing arcade, pool and bowling then to top it off, we went to McCafe got drinks and slacked then came home.
I'm typing so briefly coz I'm using my mum's com.
And yes, I'll be busy for the rest of the week.
Tomorrow dinner 'date' with Jaffar, friday is training/our team bbq, saturday a date with my mum, aunt, cousin and sisters and sunday will be daddy michael's birthday celebration/party.
At least I'm enjoying the last of my holidays before my attachment(:
12:31 AM